The Strong Stomach Workout

When beginning an abdominal workout routine, for most people the goal is simple: a flatter stomach. While a smooth, flat stomach looks good, it is less of an accomplishment if the the stomach muscles have not gained any strength. In addition to slimming down around the outer abdominals, it is also important to build strength in the core abdominals. Below are some stomach exercises that work out the core to build strong muscles throughout the abdomen. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Tone Your Torso Begin this stomach exercise on all fours, knees and hands on the floor. Keep your stomach pulled in and extend your left arm out in front of you (football fans, imagine a referee signaling first down). Keep this arm outstretched as you extend your right leg out behind you. Switch arms and legs, and repeat for an entire set. Take particular care not to let your pelvis sway out of position.

Butt Burner You will need to lie on your back for this exercise. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor, and position your arms at your sides. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift your pelvis off the floor. Keep the rest of your body in line. Raise your pelvis to about forty-five degrees, so your upper body from your head to your knees makes a straight, flat ramp. Hold this for three to five seconds before slowly lowering your pelvis back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Crunchless Crunch This stomach exercise is fairly simple in theory but can be fairly difficult to perform. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If this feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Scissor Kicks This stomach exercise also requires lying on the floor. Position your hands under your butt, keeping your back pressed against the floor. Slowly raise one leg to a height of about ten inches, then slowly lower it back to the floor. As your lower one leg, raise the other. Repeat this motion for an entire set. Maintaining control throughout is important, not allowing momentum to get the better of you. Your upper body should remain on the floor through the entire move.

These are just a few of all the strength building stomach exercises out there. If you are looking to build strength in your midsection, look for any exercise that works your core, especially the transverse abdominal muscles. Many components of Pilates are good for this also.

Benefits Of Stretching Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Unfortunately, stretching exercises for lower back pain is something that everyone should educate themselves on at some point in their life because odds are, everyone will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. While it's infinitely better to try to attempt to avoid injuring your back rather than treating an injury later, it's not always possible to prevent a back injury. Car accidents and the like are often out of our control, after all.

One of the main ways people prefer to treat back injuries is through medication. Medication can be helpful in some ways, yet detrimental in others. If you are experiencing a lot of pain, too much pain to be able to function, pain medication is definitely the way you need to go. If you're having muscle spasms in your back that is causing the pain, muscle relaxers can be beneficial. The problem with any medication is that they rarely treat the root cause of the problem. They just mask it enough to let us get through each day. Obviously, without fixing the problem itself, a person will continue to have to live with lower back pain.

Fortunately, there are other methods of treating lower back pain. These methods can be far more effective than medication, provided you are dedicated to using them and give them enough of a chance to start working. What are these seemingly miracle cures? Stretching exercises for lower back pain.

There are many benefits to stretching exercises for lower back pain. First, it's an all natural way to treat the problem. You aren't taking any medications or relying out outside interventions to help you with your problem. It's just you and your body working together to treat your lower back pain. Because it's all natural, you won't have any adverse side effects that could prove harmful or even fatal later, like can often be the case with some medications.

Another clear benefit of stretching exercises for lower back pain is it can help prevent future injuries. How many medications can boast that claim? By strengthening your core muscles, you are giving your body the tools it needs to handle the activities and stresses you put upon it on a daily basis. You're also keeping your muscles limber and flexible which allows them to extend and flex whenever and however you need them to.

Stretching exercises for lower back pain not only helps your lower back but the rest of your body, too. By being active and exercising, you help your entire cardiovascular system. You become more fit and healthy. Being more fit and healthy keeps your immune system going strong which ultimately results in you not getting sick as often or for as long.

It is in everyone's best interest to stay active and stay healthy through stretching exercises. Not only can stretching exercises for lower back pain help your back, they can help keep you and your entire body healthy, as well.

All About The Best Stomach Exercises

It is only natural, most people want to look their best, and exercising their stomach muscles is usually a huge part of most fitness programs. If so much time and energy is going to be focused on this muscle group, it is a good idea to know what the best stomach exercises are. There are many resources available for finding the best stomach exercises, and plenty of people to say what they consider the best, so how can a person decide for themselves which truly are the best exercises for working their stomach muscles?

First of all it is important to note that the best stomach exercises are those that a person is willing to do. No matter how effective the exercise is, if a person isn't going to do them consistently the exercise will not benefit that particular individual. It is also important to note that the best stomach exercises do not necessarily require equipment to perform them, although some machines and equipment may work quite well for some people.

When a person decides on a fitness program that includes stomach exercises, it is best to include stomach exercises that work the different parts of the stomach. If a person simply concentrates on one area of their stomach, there workout will not be as effective. The best stomach exercises, combine working the oblique, which are the side muscles, the lower abdominals, the mid section and also the upper section.

Some of the most popular stomach exercises are crunches. These are a very effective exercise and very convenient since they can be performed anywhere without any equipment. The next stomach exercise that is also very popular and goes along with the basic crunch is the side crunch, which works out the oblique.

Some people consider the best stomach exercises to be included in a Pilate's workout. The reason for this is because in Pilates, the whole focus is on the core of the body which is the abdominal, or stomach muscles. Every movement in a Pilate's workout will work the stomach muscles either directly or indirectly. These exercises can be found on the internet, either the exercise itself or video's that can be purchased.

Another good exercise that some fitness experts considers to be one of the best stomach exercises involves laying flat on your stomach, leg straight and then raising your body up using your arms as your hands are clasped together and keeping your body straight as if doing a pushup. Hold this position as long as you can stand. This is an excellent movement to strengthen the whole stomach.

Remember again though that just because one person may consider a specific exercise to be the best stomach exercise that does not necessarily mean it is the best for everyone. Each person's body is different and will respond differently to certain movements. Any one serious about working on the abdominal muscles will find it most helpful to try several different stomach exercises and then determine which one they can both feel and see results with. If one exercise is simply too hard to do correctly, or does not feel like it has done anything for the muscle group worked, that exercise is clearly not the best and the person should find what works best for them.

Drawbacks To Pilates

Instruction in the Pilates method can be quite costly. These costs are justified by instructors due to their expensive education, the cost of equipment and also the cost of studio rentals.

Sometimes a person new to Pilates will be given individual supervision until the instructor believes that the trainee has developed enough knowledge to continue his or her training in a group or a class.

Here is another less obvious drawback to consider. While Pilates can serve to tone the transverse abdominis and rectus muscles, when it is performed to often or wrongly, it can cause an over-development in the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen.

This usually results in a flat stomach but sometimes a wider waist. This is because a lot of the Pilates exercises are practiced through flexion while the torso moves in a linear, forward fashion.

Exercising during pregnancy has been found to be important for preventing musculoskeletal problems and for maintaining muscle strength.

When Pilates is used in pregnancy, it has been found to have many benefits both physically and mentally.

However, many exercises during pregnancy are contra-indicated. The use of Pilates when a woman is pregnant should first meet with the approval of her doctor. Then it should only be used if one is being guided by a qualified expert.

Legal action

In recent years, the term -Pilates- came under fire and resulted in a lawsuit. However the U.S. federal court ruled that this term was generic and was free for unrestricted use.

This has caused confusion among consumers because many people do not know what Pilates really is and what credentials they should look for in an instructor.

Women Health Supplements Needed To Achieve Six-pack Abs

More and more supplements for women are becoming available in the market especially for those who are looking forward to having six-pack abs. These women health supplements usually include vitamins, minerals and other acids that aim to provide the body with the nutrients it needs for the rigorous work out or to supply the amount of nutrients the body lacks.

As defined, health supplements refer to products that intend to supplement a person's need for nutrients that contain one or more ingredients like vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals. These are usually taken orally and come in the form of pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid. Health supplements can easily be recognized because they are usually indicated on the label of the container along with information on nutrient contents and other claims.

For women who are gearing towards having six-pack abs, the most common supplements include products that aim to boost health and energy levels. These supplements are usually composed of vitamins including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, and "X"; minerals that include calcium, magnesium, potassium, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium among others that are beneficial for women's health; and a set of amino acids that are said to be vital to women's physical and emotional being.

Finding the best supplements for six-pack abs

If you are training to get six-pack abs and you feel that you need health supplements, your must look for products that are complete multi-vitamin, mineral, and herbal formulas especially created and formulized for women's needs. Experts say that a good women health supplement to aid the development of six-pack abs should also have a quality formula that is composed of the most natural ingredients as well as food factors available and should not use synthetic chemicals and substitutes that can be harmful to the body.

To find the right health supplements needed to achieve six-pack abs, women should:

- consult a physician or a registered nurse first before trying on a specific supplement to know if there would be possible complications if you are dieting;

- educate one's self through simple research which can help you be familiarized with the essentials of women supplements and what they must contain and read about different minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E to make sure that you know what kind of nutrients that enter your body.

- only use the supplements appropriate for one's age to adapt to the different physical, intellectual, and emotional changes along the way;

- get feedback from people who have tried it to get first hand information about its effects and possible side effects;

- follow the instructions on the label carefully and religiously so you will not have greater risks of getting side effects and will more chances in getting the desired results.

The market is now full of supplements for women who are looking forward to having six-pack abs. But before trying any of which, it is very important for you to determine quality of the health supplements by buying only to companies that are pharmaceutical GMP compliant. Also, always check the label intently to see if the health supplement is made up of cheap additive fillers like cornstarch, rice, sugar, silica, artificial colors, and flavorings. It is also of high importance to buy a health supplement with a local consumer product help line so you can for inquire about the product anytime you need to.

Lose Your Belly By Improving Your Posture

Everyone knows the children's song about the leg bone being connected to the hip bone, but how many people really take it to heart? Obviously, everyone knows that the leg bone does in fact attach to the hip bone; that's not the point. Probably not many people really stop to think about how related and interconnected the parts of the human body really are. In an illustration of this point, the back and stomach muscles are all affected by one another as they form a girdle around the lower torso. It stands to reason, then, that your posture affects how your tummy looks, and the strength of your stomach muscles affects your posture.

Stand Up Straight This first step to losing a belly is to stand and sit up straight. This actually has a few different effects. First of all, slouching accentuates belly fat, so simply sitting up will make you appear slimmer. Second, proper posture help improves the strength of your back, which of course makes it easier to maintain proper posture longer. Third, poor posture leads to back pain, which makes stomach exercises difficult. Having good posture will make it easier for you to work out your stomach muscles and whittle down that belly. Lastly, a nice straight posture enhances blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the legs and lower back, both of which are involved in many stomach exercises. So, if you are trying to lose a belly, the first step is to simply sit and stand up as straight as possible as often as possible. Do that, and you are already on your way!

Back Extension For the reader familiar with the crunchless crunch, this move will seem similar but backwards. For this exercise, you will need to start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. You may use a mat or towel to cushion your pelvis and head. Position your arms by your sides, palms up. Contract your back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Hold the contraction briefly, then release and slowly lower your torso back down to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

The next part of this exercise begins by extended your arms out above your head (picture a superhero flying through the air). Now lift your legs off the floor simultaneously while keeping your head and arms held in place. Try to imagine your legs growing longer as you are lifting them up. Hold your legs up briefly, then slowly lower them back to the floor.

Doing these two things will help you strengthen your back and correct your posture, which are great first steps to losing an unwanted belly. You will also want to continue working on your back muscles and other core muscles, such as the transverse and rectus abdominus. Stomach exercises that work the core will help you straighten up your posture, lose belly fat, and gain muscle tone in both your back and tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

The Basics Of Pilates Exersise And Training System

The Pilates exercise and training system is a popular fitness program that is known to focus on stretching, strengthening and balancing of the different areas of the body. It makes use of a system or sets of body specific exercises that is practiced along with focused breathing patterns. The exercises also help in teaching proper breathing awareness while doing them. This fitness system also helps aid spine alignment. The exercises in the Pilates system also aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles that is more commonly known as the "core".

History of Pilates The Pilates system was first developed by a German by the name of Joseph Pilates sometime during the First World War. In the system that is now widely known by his last name, the aim was to help improve the rehabilitation program being provided for the returning war veterans. This type of fitness regimen was proposed the make use only of a few and precise movements. This makes it a more convenient fitness regimen especially for injured soldiers. The said fitness system makes do with more emphasis on control and form, adding a mental aspect to fitness. A primary aim then was to help injured soldiers to regain their strength as well as to stabilize some of the body's key muscles.

Mental Aspect At first, Joseph Pilates initially called this new fitness system as Contrology. The term was chosen because he believed that the new method and its exercises needed to make use of the mind more often in order to control the muscles to achieve the perfect execution and form of each type of exercise. The aim was to make the mind work closely together with the body in order to allow movements with grace and balance but with the least amount of movement possible. It is important in the Pilates system that practitioners to always pay close attention to the body as it moves when doing the exercises.

Breathing Aspect Another thing that Joseph Pilates believed is that good blood circulation is very important for having a healthy body. The blood needs to circulate properly in order for the body to function more efficiently. Good circulation helps awaken the cells in the body. Good circulation also helps a lot in getting rid of waste products in cells and tissues. These are the waste products that are usually related to fatigue.

One way for good circulation to do its work properly is through proper breathing. As the blood circulating in the body needs to be rich in oxygen and be freed of waste gases, proper breathing will allow it to do so. Pilates believed that proper breathing and good circulation go hand in hand. And because of this the practice of proper breathing is an important part of each Pilates exercise. If at one point a person stops breathing for a moment during a certain set of exercise, then it is considered as improper. The person may be doing something wrong in the said exercise.

Core Focus The Pilates exercise and training system also focuses on strengthening the group of muscles usually referred to as the "core". This group of muscles which is located in the center of the body includes the muscles in the hips, abdomen, lower back and the buttocks. The Pilates exercises focuses on building a more powerful core. This is where the body's energy is said to originate from.