Aquasize To A Flatter Stomach!

When the weather is warm, there is nothing quite like going for a refreshing swim at the local pool. To add to the benefits, you can use it as an opportunity to work on those stomach muscles. The water provides natural resistance, making the pool a great place to do stomach exercises to flatten out that tummy. Despite the greater resistance water has than air, aquasizing is low-impact, meaning less strain on joints. Try out these exercises next time you take a trip down to your pool. Remember, consult your doctor before beginning a new workout routine, and always warm up properly to prevent injury.

The first set of exercises to try is called the jump and dig. There are two moves in this set, one for the upper body and one for the lower body. The former is great for your obliques, and the latter works on your abdominals. To start, stand in water that is between your belly button and chest. To work the lower body (including your abdominals), put your feet a wide distance apart, then jump so your knees come up to the surface of the water and back down. Picture a frog as you do it; this will help you get the form right. Next, to work the upper body, begin by making a scoop with both hands at the surface of the water. Bring your hand scoop below the surface, then scoop up and to one side. Alternate sides to work the obliques on both sides. Start by doing the two moves separately for three minutes each. Once you have mastered the form, do them at the same time to exercise both sets of stomach muscles at once.

As you build strength and endurance, you can add water gloves to increase resistance. You can also do the exercises faster, packing more reps into each three minute period. Form is key, though. Do not sacrifice form for the sake of speed. It is better to do it properly than quickly. Also remember to set fitness goals and work toward them at a gradual pace. Do not push yourself too hard, too fast. You may want to see results fast, but an injury will seriously delay your workout goals. Start small, know your limits, and build gradually.

As long as you are working on your midsection, here are a few additional tips. First, proper diet is essential to any fitness routine. A great, hard workout can be completely negated by improper eating habits. Second, stay hydrated both while working out and in everyday life. A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2, and drink that number of ounces of water each day. This helps to keep the body functioning at it's highest level. Third, rest up. This means not only getting plenty of sleep, but also getting the right kind of sleep. Spend all night sleeping on your stomach, and you will wake up with a sore back, making it difficult to do your stomach exercises. Also be sure to schedule off days into your routine to give your muscles a chance to rest up and rebuild. Now you already have a great start on a toned, flat stomach!

Abdominal Exercise

Many people are bothered by lower back pain. The pain can be the result of an injury, arthritis or poor posture. No matter why the pain is there it is often debilitating. The thing that people who are not in constant pain do not realize is how much energy is taken from the person that is suffering from the pain. The pain can cause sleep deprivation which leads to the inability to concentrate and the feeling of being tired. There are many things that can be done to help with back pain. One of the most effective is abdominal exercise.

Many people do not realize how much the abdominal muscles help to support the lower back. By keeping these muscles strong the back is supported more. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the abdominal area can greatly alleviate the pain. Abdominal exercise is usually done lying on your back. For some people with severe back pain getting off the floor from a laying position can be quite difficult. For these people they can begin to strengthen the stomach muscles by performing the abdominal exercise in bed. This is not as affective as doing them on the hard surface of the floor, but it can begin the strengthening process so that the person can get to the point of lying on the floor.

Another effective and joint friendly way to begin the process of strengthening the stomach muscles is through deep breathing exercises. These are exercises that can be done in any position and at anytime throughout the day. Simply sit or stand very erect and pull in the abdominal muscles as you take in deep breaths of air. Hold the breath and slowly exhale, keeping the stomach muscles held firm. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the day. The deep breathing will also help relax tense muscles that may contribute to the pain level.

A more advanced abdominal exercise is doing belly crunches. This involves lying flat on your back with your knees raised and you feet planted firmly on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and lift the head and shoulders a few inches off the ground. Hold that position for a few seconds and go back down. Repeat this for a number of times. The deep breathing can be added to the abdominal exercise by inhaling and exhaling as you rise and fall. There are many variations that can be done with this basic exercise, such as reaching your arms out in front of you between your knees as you rise. If you alternate one arm than the next over your stomach as if you are climbing a rope you will work the abdominal muscles that are higher. Repeating these simple moves in the morning and evening will help to warm your back muscles as you prepare for work or sleep. Warming the muscles through stretching also helps to alleviate the pain.

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Lose The Belly Fat

Where does all the extra weight go? This tends to vary from person to person. I know if I put on some extra pounds, it will head straight to my stomach. However, if my wife gains weight, it typically heads for her thighs and butt area. Now, what can you do to shed this excess fat? Well, whether you're struggling to lose belly bulge or thunder thighs, there are specific exercises to get the job done right. Are you ready take the next step?

Let's talk about the old spare tire. Isn't this what folks used to call it? It's that extra chub that resides just above your waist and beneath your chest. Every day individuals are striving to lose belly fat and keep it off. However, are they going about it the right way? When I take a glance around the local fitness center, I know that they're not. You want to know why? Because the same people I saw a year ago are still walking in there and they haven't changed a bit. Sure, they do their workout regimes and break a good sweat, but they're forgetting about one crucial part. EATING HEALTHY! There is no way that some of these common gym dwellers are eating healthy. And regardless of what you think, this is half of it.

Therefore if you hit the gym five days a week for a full-body workout, but then grab a value meal at Burger King for dinner, you're wasting your time and effort. You won't lose belly fat, because you're stagnant. You basically burn calories and them consume a ton more. This may keep you at the same weight, but it won't help you excel. Not to mention that it's terrible for your heart and overall body. It's imperative to adopt healthy eating habits if you actually expect to lose belly flab and gain rock-hard abs.

Exercises for toning up! Cardio is essential for burning calories. Take your pick from treadmills, to stationary bikes, to Elliptical machines. All will get your heart rate up and help you lose belly fat. Then there are toning exercises such as crunches, knee raises and sit-ups. All of which will strengthen and tone you stomach muscles. But remember, if you don't lose belly fat first, no one's going to be able to see that six-pack shine through.

All About Working The Transverse Abdominals

A group of muscles that often gets neglected in stomach exercise routines are the transverse abdominals, the core muscles that lie below the rectus abdominus. Most abdominal exercises target the rectus abdominus and the vertical abdominals, ignoring the transverse abdominals. Even crunches, the staple of most abdominal workouts, do nothing for the transverse abdominals.

These muscles are actually the most important to target, however, as they connect to both the lower back muscles and the rectus abdominus and for a girdle for the entire abdomen. Any routine aimed at flattening the stomach should include the transverse abdominals as a focus. Using the following exercises, you can work out your transverse abdominals and really make progress on that flat tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Pelvic Tilts This stomach exercise requires lying on your back on a flat surface, such as the floor or a bench. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Raise your pelvis (and only your pelvis) off the floor, hold momentarily, and then lower it back down. Repeat for an entire set. Maintaining a controlled movement is crucial to this exercise. This will allow you to use your abdominal muscles, rather than your body's momentum, to do the work on the exercise. Also, be sure to keep your upper body on the floor throughout.

Crunchless Crunch This first exercise is fairly simple but can also be fairly difficult. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Scissor Kicks This stomach exercise also requires lying on the floor. Position your hands under your butt, keeping your back pressed against the floor. Slowly raise one leg to a height of about ten inches, then slowly lower it back to the floor. As your lower one leg, raise the other. Repeat this motion for an entire set. Maintaining control throughout is important, not allowing momentum to get the better of you. Your upper body should remain on the floor through the entire move.

There are plenty of other exercises targeting the transverse abdominals, but these three ought to be enough to get you started. Stomach exercises like these are key to any tummy-flattening plan, and they are especially good for pregnant and post-partum women.

Six Pack Abs_ Abdominal Exercise Equipment

Six pack abs are desired by almost everybody. Getting those washboard abs are becoming a necessity because of long and convincing infomercials that we see a lot. There are numerous abdominal exercise equipment in the market nowadays like abdominal belts, abs-rockers, abs-lounges and many more.

When choosing for the correct equipment you would need to consider some things first. You should not be deceived into buying fancy equipment which you do not really need. You can do some research about abdominal exercise machines and workout equipment before you buy them. The selected equipment must be easy to move and easily detachable.

Before attempting any rigorous fitness schedules at home with the newly purchased machine, consult with a doctor first regarding injuries and medical conditions. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for maintaining the machine. All said and done, the bottom line is any piece of exercise equipment is a good choice if one uses it.

So what are the benefits of having an abdominal exercise machine at home? This would allow you to focus on hard on the target. Some abdominal exercise equipment is poorly designed or made from weak, undependable materials; some can even be dangerous to use. Strained or torn abdominal muscles are incredibly painful, and can put you on the shelf for a long time. Buying poorly designed abdominal exercise equipment is a risk you don't have to take.

There are steps to ensure that you are choosing the correct abdominal equipment for you:

(1) Choose the equipment based on how much space you have and how intensely you plan on working out. If you live on a small apartment, you may wish to opt for smaller devices.

(2) Make sure to adjust your abdominal equipment so that you are comfortable throughout your exercise. Lay your towel where you can easily get it to absorb your sweat.

(3) When picking up or using weight, make sure that it is not too heavy or it will injure you and will make you fall.

(4) You can interlock your feet, ankles, or knees in the abdominal equipment you are using. This would give you added support and stability while working out.

(5) Begin by inhaling , tightening your abdomen back toward your spine and then raising your neck and head a few inches off the ground. Exhale as you roll up. Support your head with your hands so you don't strain your neck.

Some great pieces for your workout include:

(1) Stability Ball (Exercise Ball)

The stability ball is a great piece of equipment. In addition to increasing range of motion for crunches and other abdominal exercises, the stability ball also improves your balance and coordination. You can start with the basics such as regular crunches or oblique crunches.

(2) Medicine Ball

The medicine ball is simply a weighted ball. Although some people may think that medicine balls are only for boxers and athletes, medicine balls can really enhance your core workout.

(3) Ankle Weights

Ankle weights can increase the intensity of reverse crunches and leg raises. When regular leg raises become really easy, you can add ankle weights to increase the muscle work in your abs.

(4) Cables or Resistance Tubes

Here is another way you can add resistance to your abdominal muscles to break through strength. You can perform cable crunches from a low cable tower by lying on the floor and holding the resistance behind your head. Or you can perform cable crunches from a kneeling position.

There are number of equipment in the market that you can use to get yourself six pack abs. Your just have to choose the correct one and the one that suits your needs the best.

Women Preparedness For Six-pack Abs Training

Women who undergo rigorous training just to get six-pack abs is now becoming a popular trend worldwide because it promotes an effective means of keeping the body fit, sexy, great looking, and healthy. Although many women who are benefiting from this, there are still those who refuse to consider the idea because they think that having a six-pack abs is a guy thing only.

What hinders women from getting six-pack abs

Despite the advantages it brings to make bodies of women sexier, there are so still things that hinder women from getting six-pack abs. If you were one of those who are planning to achieve six-pack abs but still have hesitations, it is a must that you conduct a simple research first on the advantages and disadvantages of training to get six-pack training.

One of the things that hinder women from getting six-pack abs is that the training makes the woman's muscles bulky and the overall appearance masculine. If truth to be told, women—despite training for six-pack abs—would not have a bulky physique since her body cannot produce enough amount testosterone that is needed to have huge muscles like those in men. Women who are muscular did not get those from training but from having excessive amounts of testosterone in their bodies.

Preparing through diet

For women to achieve six-pack abs, the key formula for success is good and proper nutrition. This is because it provides the basic things such as energy for growth and sustenance can be derived from proper diet.

According to nutritionists, proper nutrition should include proper sets of foods. For people who are planning to develop six-pack abs, this should be a major factor to consider because it will make the training more successful. The following are some eating tips to prepare women get that six-pack rips and muscles in no time:

1. Make sure that you eat at least six times everyday. For beginners in developing six-pack abs, this is the most basic rule because this will ensure that you have the energy to endure weight lifting. Eating meals once every 2 to 3 hours will ensure the stability of blood sugar. This will also ensure satisfaction of cravings, maximization of metabolism and energy, and constant need to feed the building muscles.

2. Enough amounts and significant types of protein should be consumed properly. Indeed, protein plays a big role in developing six-pack abs because it makes up the person's tissues. To know how much protein you need to get that much-coveted six-pack abs, multiply your total bodyweight by 1.2. The result will be the amount of protein—in grams—is the ideal amount that should be consumed everyday.

3. Ensure that you consume the right types and amounts carbohydrates. In women who are training for six-pack abs, carbs are very important to supply the energy your body needs. To figure out how much carbs you need daily, multiply the lean body mass of your body by 0.8 and the result is the total amount of carbs—in grams—is what you need. Remember that since getting six-pack abs has something to do with losing fats, you must only consume the foods with low carbs such as brown rice, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes.

4. Always include veggies into your diet. Women who are looking forward to having six-pack abs should ensure that green leafy veggies like green beans, broccoli, and lettuce have a place on their diet. These types of foods will ensure that cravings can be suppressed without getting hungry. While training, veggies can also aid metabolism which will make the absorption of protein easier and faster.

Abdominal Exercise Machines Options

When I was younger, I used to have fantastic abs. I watched what I ate, limited my fat intake, and did hundreds of crunches per day. Yes, it was very hard work, but the results were worth it. Then everything changed after I gave birth to my first child. I was suddenly very soft around the middle, had noticeable love handles, and couldn't get rid of the flab no matter how many different diets I tried. To make matters worse, I couldn't even do crunches anymore because I had severe chronic back pain. I wasn't ready to accept being out of shape, so I decided to check out some abdominal exercise machines.

Abdominal exercise machines are specially designed to target the abs during each workout. Most abdominal exercise machines simulate regular crunches, but in a way that is much easier on the body. For example, most people do crunches while lying on the floor with their hands behind their head, which puts them at risk for back and neck injuries if they don't have perfect form. That's not a problem with abdominal exercise machines since they limit your motions and force you to have good form in order to operate the mechanisms. In other words, abdominal exercise machines are practically foolproof and give the rest of your body a break while you work on your abs.

I had seen plenty of late-night infomercials for abdominal exercise machines, but wasn't willing to make a purchase decision based solely on what I heard on TV. I wanted to hear what real people had to say about these abdominal exercise machines, not what actors and professional bodybuilders were paid to say. So I went online to find third-party consumer reviews of some of the leading abdominal exercise machines. I wanted to know which products were well-constructed, easy to use, and actually worked on sculpting abs, and which products would just waste my time. Plus, I wanted to find websites where I could buy the most popular abdominal exercise machines at the lowest prices. These products were very expensive, so any discounts I could get would definitely help my wallet.

It's a good thing I decided to read online reviews of abdominal exercise machines before buying one. It turns out that the one product I really had my eye on wasn't received very well by consumers. There were a couple of big problems with it that I never would have known about until it was too late if I hadn't done the proper research first. So I actually ended up buying one of the other abdominal exercise machines that was lower down on my list but that received rave reviews.

Now that I've got one of these abdominal exercise machines, I'm able to work on my abs several times a week without experiencing any back pain at all. And more importantly, I'm slowly but surely starting to see a reduction in my waist size. If I keep this up, I know I'll be back to my pre-childbirth body in a few months!